TSCS Global Management Solutions
We assist organizations with investigation of fraud, sexual harassment and harassment, abuse of power, ethical conflicts, and misconduct issues.

You are surrounded by hard working individuals…

…but no matter your internal culture you can’t control behavior. The individuality that gives your business, organization, or institution a competitive advantage can lead to crisis situations.

TSCS Global Management Solutions provides an expeditious and cost-effective service by ensuring a fair investigative process Human Resources professionals can build moral and trust among employees. Allegations of misconduct, disciplinary, discrimination, and harassment must be handled in a timely manner for the benefit of management and the complainant. TSCS Global Management Solutions will conduct a prompt, thorough and impartial investigation to assist Human Resources professionals. By ensuring a fair investigative process, HR professionals also can help build morale and trust among employees.

Areas of Service

  • Workplace misconduct and violation of rules, regulations, and ethics
  • Disciplinary allegations, including terminations
  • Gender, race, religion, national origin, disability, age, and other categories) in hiring, assignments, promotions, and terminations
  • Sexual harassment
  • Other forms of workplace harassment
  • Sexual Exploitation and Abuse allegations
  • Retaliation for bringing a complaint
  • Whistleblowing


  • Conduct investigations into allegations of misconduct/wrongdoing including, but not limited to, fraud, theft, and misconduct regarding staff, vendors and third parties
  • Conduct interviews of complainants, witnesses and subjects to gather facts during investigations
  • Review and analyze data and records to determine whether evidence of waste, fraud or misconduct exists


  • Support the Organization by providing conflict management services to staff members and non-staff personnel
  • Inform parties in potential or active disputes about informal dispute resolution process
  • Facilitate informal resolution of workplace conflicts helping all parties to explore options and engage in a voluntary and confidential process, acting as a neutral third-party


  • Present energetic, positive, and productive training sessions for organizations to train staff in management of investigations
  • Train staff with the knowledge of how to properly conduct workplace or internal investigation to minimize legal liability and reduce employee complaints
  • Provide practical tools, tips, and techniques to improve investigation process skills in handling sensitive and complex employee issues

Latest News

Handling Allegations of Misconduct

An Organization is obligated to address a complaint or report of misconduct and act upon it immediately. The Organization must initially decide whether the complaint or report should be investigated. The failure of an Organization to investigate a report of a staff member’s misconduct may result in serious consequences. An allegation may require the Organization…

Read More Handling Allegations of Misconduct

Sexual Harassment Allegations In International Organizations

The #MeTo Movement has influenced and shifted perception of a woman’s value in the workplace. Harassment has been imbedded in the international organization workplace. Yet legal and institutional policies have been slow to enforce change in an international organization. Sexual harassment is not only a liability for the organization but effects reputational and business risks,…

Read More Sexual Harassment Allegations In International Organizations

Diversity and Inclusion in International Organizations: Are Diverse Organizations Inclusive?

In international organizations and agencies diversity is organic to the institutions. The selection of professional staff is subject to geographic representation with due consideration given to achieve gender parity. Local staff for administrative and operational positions are recruited from the host country. Professional international staff are composed of a geographically diverse representation of member states.…

Read More Diversity and Inclusion in International Organizations: Are Diverse Organizations Inclusive?

Get in Touch

We’re always open for a conversation on how we can help your organization deal with critical misconduct issues.
